.NET Event Tracing Class Library  

EventTraceRegisteredProvider Members

EventTraceRegisteredProvider overview

Public Properties

						 propertyProviderGuid Returns a String which represents the provider GUID.
						 propertyName Returns a String which represents the provider's name. The name is obtained from the XML data files if the library can find them.
						 propertyDescription Returns a String which represents the provider's description. The decription is obtained from the XML data files if the library can find them.
						 propertyProviderGuidType Returns an EventTraceProviderGuidType enumeration that determines the type of GUID the ProviderGuid property refers to.
						 propertySessionThreadIDReturns an Int32 which is the thread identifier of the event tracing session.
						 propertyEnableLevel Returns an Int32 of the tracing level set by the consumer.
						 propertyEnableFlags Returns an Int32 of the tracing flags set by the consumer.
						 propertyIsEnabled Returns a Boolean and is true if the provider is currently tracing events. This is enabled by a consumer.


See Also

EventTraceSessionCollection Class | EventTraceSession Class | EventTraceRegisteredProvider Class | EventTraceProviderCollection Class | EventTraceProvider Class | EventTraceKernelSession Class

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