.NET Event Tracing Class Library  

EventTraceKernelSession Members

EventTraceKernelSession overview

Public Constructors

						 propertyEventTraceKernelSession Creates a kernel event tracing session object which is not setup. Requires specific properties to be set to be able to manage a valid session.
						 propertyEventTraceKernelSession(String& loggingFile, EventTraceLoggingModes flags) Creates a kernel event tracing session setup with the file it will log to and the logging flags.

Public Properties

						 propertyTraceOptions Manages the KernelTraceOptions for the NT Kernel Logger's session. Indicates the traced events by the kernel.

Public Methods

						 propertySetAllKernelTraces Sets all the kernel options flags so that the kernel traces everything.
						 propertyStart Starts this event tracing session using the values set in the various properties.
						 propertyStop Stops this event tracing session.
						 propertyUpdate Updates an event tracing session using the values set in the various properties.
						 propertyQuery Query an event tracing session for it's current statistics which results in all the properties of this object to be updated.


See Also

EventTraceSessionCollection Class | EventTraceSession Class | EventTraceRegisteredProvider Class | EventTraceProviderCollection Class | EventTraceProvider Class | EventTraceKernelSession Class

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