.NET Event Tracing Class Library  

TraceEventField Members

TraceEventField overview

Public Properties

						 propertyName Returns a String which is the name of the field.
						 propertyDescription Returns a String which is the description of the field.
						 propertyValue Returns an Object which is the value of the field. This should be cast to the appropriate data type. That information can be found by inspecting the ValueType property.
						 propertyValueType Returns an EventFieldType which is the data type of the fields value.
						 propertyDisplayFormat Returns an EventFieldDisplayFormat which is how the field should be displayed in a user interface.
						 propertyFlags Returns an EventFieldFlags which provides more specific information about how to interpret the field's value.
						 propertyFieldPos Returns an Int32 which is the field position within it's structure.
						 propertyEventBitmasks Returns an TraceEventFieldBitmaskCollection which is the collection of bitmask values if the field has a DisplayFormat of DisplayBitmask.


See Also

TraceMessageEventHandler Delegate | TraceMessageEventArgs Class | TraceEventHandler Delegate | TraceEventFieldBitmaskCollection Class | TraceEventFieldBitmask Class | TraceEventField Class | TraceEventArgs Class | EventTraceRealTimeLog Class | EventTraceProcessLogs Class | EventTraceOperationObserver Class | EventTraceMessage Class | EventTraceLogFile Class | EventTraceFieldCollection Class | EventTraceEvent Class | EndOfBufferEventHandler Delegate | EndOfBufferEventArgs Class | CompletedEventHandler Delegate | CompletedEventArgs Class

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