.NET Event Tracing Class Library  

EventTraceMessage Members

EventTraceMessage overview

Public Properties

						 propertyMessageFlags Returns an EventTraceMessageFlags which details which properties of a trace message contain data.
						 propertyMessageNumber Returns an Int32 which is the message number supplied by the provider when it genereated the event.
						 propertySequenceNumber Returns an Int32 which is the message sequence number only if the MessageFlags property has the FlagSequence flag.
						 propertyMessageGuid Returns an String which is the message GUID only if the MessageFlags property has the FlagMessageGuid flag.
						 propertyComponentID Returns an Int32 which is the message component identifier only if the MessageFlags property has the FlagComponentID flag.
						 propertyTimeStamp Returns an DateTime which is the message time stamp only if the MessageFlags property has the FlagTimeStamp flag.
						 propertyThreadID Returns an Int32 value of the message thread identifier when the event was generated only if the MessageFlags property has the FlagSystemInfo flag.
						 propertyProcessID Returns an Int32 value of the message process identifier when the event was generated only if the MessageFlags property has the FlagSystemInfo flag.
						 propertyMessageData Returns a Stream for the rest of the custom data in the trace message.

Public Methods

						 propertyDispose You must call this to release unmanaged memory resources for the event.


See Also

TraceMessageEventHandler Delegate | TraceMessageEventArgs Class | TraceEventHandler Delegate | TraceEventFieldBitmaskCollection Class | TraceEventFieldBitmask Class | TraceEventField Class | TraceEventArgs Class | EventTraceRealTimeLog Class | EventTraceProcessLogs Class | EventTraceOperationObserver Class | EventTraceMessage Class | EventTraceLogFile Class | EventTraceFieldCollection Class | EventTraceEvent Class | EndOfBufferEventHandler Delegate | EndOfBufferEventArgs Class | CompletedEventHandler Delegate | CompletedEventArgs Class

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