.NET Event Tracing Class Library  

EventTraceLogFile Members

EventTraceLogFile overview

Public Constructors

						 propertyEventTraceLogFile Creates an event tracing log file object which is not setup. Requires specific properties to be set to be able to specify a valid log file.
						 propertyEventTraceLogFile(string file) Creates an event tracing log file setup with the name of file it points to.
						 propertyEventTraceLogFile(string file, string logger) Creates an event tracing log file setup with the name of file it points to and the name of the event tracing session.

Public Properties

						 propertyCurrentTime Returns a DateTime of the current time stamp of the event tracing log file to the current time of the processed buffer.
						 propertyBuffersRead Returns an Int32 which is the number of buffers read. According to the documentation, the BuffersRead property is supposed to report the number of buffers processed to date while reading a log file. However, this is zero upon the completion of every buffer.
						 propertyBufferSize Returns an Int32 that is the size of each buffer in bytes.
						 propertyFilled Returns an Int32 that is the number of bytes in a processed buffer that has valid data.
						 propertyEventsLost Returns an Int32 which is the number of events that were lost and not stored in the buffer.
						 propertyIsKernelTrace Returns a Boolean of whether this is a Kernel trace log file or buffer.
						 propertyLoggerVersion Returns an Int32 which is the event tracing provider's version number.
						 propertyLoggerMajorVersion Returns an Int32 of the Operating System's major version number.
						 propertyLoggerMinorVersion Returns an Int32 of the Operating System's minor version number.
						 propertyLoggerSubVersion Returns an Int32 of the Operating System's build number.
						 propertyLoggerSubMinorVersion Returns an Int32 of the Operating System's minor build number.
						 propertyProviderVersion Returns an Int32 of the Operating System's build number.
						 propertyNumberOfProcessors Returns an Int32 which is the number of processors on the machine that recorded the log file.
						 propertyEndTime Returns an DateTime of when the event tracing session was stopped.
						 propertyStartTime Returns an DateTime of when the event tracing session was started.
						 propertyTimerResolution Returns an Int32 which provides timing information that allows the correct interpretation of the kernel, user, and processor timings within the log file’s events. TimerResolution contains the resolution of the hardware timer, in units of 100 nanoseconds.
						 propertyMaximumFileSize Returns an Int32 which is the log file's maximum size.
						 propertyBuffersWritten Returns an Int32 of how many buffers were written to the log file.
						 propertyBootTime Returns an DateTime of when the machine was booted when the log file was recorded.
						 propertyPerfFrequency Returns an Int32 that provides the frequency of the high-resolution performance counter that the log file or real-time session used when it was created. This is usually the speed of the machine in hertz..
						 propertyBuffersLost Returns an Int32 of how many buffers were lost during the recording of the log file.
						 propertyLoggerName Returns and sets a String that repsents the name of an event tracing log file.
						 propertyLogFilePath Returns and sets a String that represnts the path of an event tracing log file.
						 propertyLogFileMode Returns and sets an EventTraceLoggingModes flags that determine the configuration of how the event tracer processes a log file.

Public Events

						 propertyEndOfBuffer Delegate for firing end of buffer events.
						 propertyTraceEvent Delegate for firing trace events.
						 propertyTraceMessage Delegate for firing trace message events.


See Also

TraceMessageEventHandler Delegate | TraceMessageEventArgs Class | TraceEventHandler Delegate | TraceEventFieldBitmaskCollection Class | TraceEventFieldBitmask Class | TraceEventField Class | TraceEventArgs Class | EventTraceRealTimeLog Class | EventTraceProcessLogs Class | EventTraceOperationObserver Class | EventTraceMessage Class | EventTraceLogFile Class | EventTraceFieldCollection Class | EventTraceEvent Class | EndOfBufferEventHandler Delegate | EndOfBufferEventArgs Class | CompletedEventHandler Delegate | CompletedEventArgs Class

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